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Gascon Law | Traffic Offenses
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Traffic Offenses

Traffic infractions can have a serious and significant effect on your driving privilege and insurance rates. Multiple infractions can be extremely problematic due to the strict laws for repeat offenders. Unfortunately, in most cases, drivers just pay their fine and move along without realizing that they have the right to contest the violation.

At Gascon Law, I can help you fight for your innocence or challenge the manner in which your ticket was issued. I carefully examine the details surrounding the violation and employ aggressive and creative strategies to minimize the impact on your driver’s license and insurance rates. I have frequently been successful contesting tickets resulting in an outright dismissal or a reduced fine.

At Gascon Law, I contest all types of moving and nonmoving violations including, but not limited to:

  • Speeding
  • Traveling too fast for conditions
  • Failure to obey a traffic control device
  • Negligent driving
  • Cell phone violations
  • Seatbelt violations

Don’t jeopardize your driving privilege and insurance rates. Let me help you challenge your ticket. Call Gascon Law for a free case evaluation and to discuss your legal options at 360-694-9601.